Update 4/23/2021

Ads are here! But not to make money...

From time to time on the website, images like these will show up!

Ads can be for my games, videos, or trailers! Or just whatever I feel like promoting! 

Update 3/14/2021

GamerKGR Picture Of The Day

A new addition to the website is here! GamerKGR POTD! Every day, a new picture from a GamerKGR video (KGR.7, -KoltonGaming-, Kolton Ramos Ultimate Minecrafter, etc) will be posted on the homepage, and have its own page in the NEWS tab with dialogue about the picture.

Also, if you haven't seen yet, ChitChat13 has been taken down. Here is a link to the NEWS page.

Update 3/12/2021

Playlist tabs now in VIDEOS

In the VIDEOS tab, you will now see different playlists have been added, like KGR.7 Reviews and Channels You Should Check Out (C.Y.S.C.O)

Update 6/19/2020 :

Major Changes

The HOME tab has a new and more convenient layout. 

A section for other KGR websites is now in the HOME tab, which also holds the launch for OmiKGR, the ultimate web portal.

Voting Time! is a new voting area in the website.

The GAMES tab is back!

The Upcoming Content section is being updated to be better, so it is being temporarily removed.

The Discord chatroom has been removed. The reason why is becuase it has been reported to break constantly, and just didnt work most of the time.

So now, I shall introduce something new. ChitChat13! ChitChat13 is a Mibbit HTML embed chatroom. Have fun chatting in a better, and more fun way!!!

(Check the NEWS tab for some more detailed info about parts of the update.)

Update 4/5/2020 : The Upcoming Content section in the HOME tab has been updated! When content is in bold text, then that means that content is going to be published in the current month. When content is in slanted text, then that means that content is going to be published the next month.

Update 3/18/2020 : New stuff has been added to the HOME tab! Watch this video for more info about this update.

Update 3/11/2020 : There is now a Discord chatroom embed into the website. Have fun chatting with other users!

Update 1/13/2020 : The GAMES tab has been removed for reasons I can't explain right now, but you will understand later.

Update 6/28/2019 : All pages now have a dot pattern now. (except games)

Update 6/17/2019 : The GAMES tab just got an upgrade! The tab has an option now to play previews of games.

Update 6/12/2019 : The GAMES tab now has a black theme to make it stand out!

Update 6/6/2019 : There is now 2 new tabs! Videos and Trailers!

Here is some info about the website.

I am a small YouTuber that is working on Scratch games.

Check back here for updates to see what's new on KGR.7!


Q: Is there any exclusive content?

A: Not at the moment, but there will be eventually!

Q: Why can't I play some games on mobile?

A: These games are designed to be played on PC. But with a Bluetooth or USB keyboard, you can play the games on mobile!

Q: When will you buy this domain?

A: I don't know. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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